How many slices of cheese in a big mac? - Chef's Resource (2024)

**How many slices of cheese in a Big Mac?**

When it comes to the iconic McDonald’s Big Mac, a popular question that often arises is: How many slices of cheese are in a Big Mac? The answer to this question is quite straightforward, and it may surprise some!

**The answer: There are two slices of cheese in a Big Mac.**

Yes, you read that correctly. A Big Mac, with its two beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, pickles, onions, and sesame seed bun, is complete with not one, but two slices of cheese. This combination of two slices of cheese helps give the Big Mac its distinctive flavor and appeals to cheese lovers worldwide.

Now that we have addressed the main question, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions related to the cheese-filled delight known as the Big Mac:


  • 1 FAQs:
  • 2 1. What type of cheese is used in a Big Mac?
  • 3 2. Are the cheese slices melted in a Big Mac?
  • 4 3. Can I order extra cheese on my Big Mac?
  • 5 4. Are there vegetarian options available without the cheese?
  • 6 5. How many calories are there in a Big Mac with cheese?
  • 7 6. Can I order a Big Mac with only one slice of cheese?
  • 8 7. Can I order a Big Mac without cheese?
  • 9 8. Are there any variations of the Big Mac with more than two cheese slices?
  • 10 9. Is the cheese in a Big Mac made from real dairy?
  • 11 10. Is the cheese in a Big Mac suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals?
  • 12 11. Can the special sauce in a Big Mac replace the cheese for a dairy-free option?
  • 13 12. Are there any size options for a Big Mac with more than two cheese slices?


1. What type of cheese is used in a Big Mac?

The cheese used in a Big Mac is pasteurized American cheese. It is known for its creamy, mild taste that complements the other ingredients of the burger.

2. Are the cheese slices melted in a Big Mac?

No, the cheese slices are not melted in a Big Mac. They are placed between the two beef patties and retain their original form, adding a layer of smoothness to each bite.

3. Can I order extra cheese on my Big Mac?

Yes, you can. If you are a cheese enthusiast and want even more cheese, you can ask for extra cheese slices when placing your order. Just keep in mind that this may incur an additional charge.

4. Are there vegetarian options available without the cheese?

Yes, McDonald’s offers a vegetarian burger called the Veggie Deluxe which does not include cheese. So, if you prefer a Big Mac without cheese for any reason, you can explore other menu options.

5. How many calories are there in a Big Mac with cheese?

A Big Mac with cheese contains approximately 563 calories. However, it is important to note that this number may vary depending on various factors such as regional differences or optional condiments.

6. Can I order a Big Mac with only one slice of cheese?

The standard version of the Big Mac includes two slices of cheese. However, if you prefer fewer cheese slices, you can ask for a custom order with only one slice of cheese.

7. Can I order a Big Mac without cheese?

Yes, you can order a Big Mac without cheese. If you want to enjoy the Big Mac experience but without the cheese, feel free to request a cheese-free version.

8. Are there any variations of the Big Mac with more than two cheese slices?

Currently, McDonald’s does not offer any variations of the Big Mac with more than two cheese slices as part of their standard menu.

9. Is the cheese in a Big Mac made from real dairy?

Yes, the cheese in a Big Mac is made from real dairy and is pasteurized American cheese.

10. Is the cheese in a Big Mac suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals?

As the cheese used in a Big Mac is made from real dairy, it is not suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals. McDonald’s does offer alternative menu options that cater to specific dietary needs.

11. Can the special sauce in a Big Mac replace the cheese for a dairy-free option?

No, the special sauce in a Big Mac does not serve as a replacement for cheese. It is an integral part of the Big Mac’s unique flavor profile and is not intended as a substitute for cheese.

12. Are there any size options for a Big Mac with more than two cheese slices?

At present, the standard Big Mac comes with two slices of cheese as per McDonald’s menu. They do not offer any size options with variations in the number of cheese slices.

How many slices of cheese in a big mac? - Chef's Resource (2024)


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